Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/433

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Hugo Cholmeley was collated 29th March 1632. Died 15th and buried 17th Sept. 1641.

Samuel Hall, fourth son of bishop Hall, admitted 22nd Sept. 1641; on whose death, aged 6^,

Nicholas Hall was collated 17th March 16745. Re- signed for the treasurership.

Beknard Galard, collated 15th Nov. 1675; on whose death,

Edward Gary was collated ist Dec. 1693. He died soon after his promotion.

Launcelot Blackburn, collated 9th Jan. 1694-5. Resigned in 1702.

Lewis Burnett, collated 8th April that year; on his death,

Launcelot Blackburn was again collated to it 27th July 1704. Resigned for the deanery.

Edward Trelawney, collated 3rd Nov. 1705. Resigned for the deanery,

Richard Ibbetson succeeded i rth July 171 7, and was installed 29th Aug. following.

Peter Foulkes, D.D., collated 25th June 1723. Re- signed for the chancellorship.

John Gilbert, collated 4th June 1724. Resigned for the deanery.

John Fursman, M.A., collated 3rd Jan. 1726-7. Re- signed for the chancellorship.

Charles Hawtrey, M.A,, collated 2nd Oct. 1731. Died 3rd May 1770, setat. 84, and buried on the 8th in the cathedral.

Philip Barton, S.T.B., collated 29th May 1770. Died 24th June 1796, setat. 78.

John Sturges, D.D., chancellor of the diocese of Win- chester^ collated 20th Oct. 1796. Died 2nd Oct. 1807.

Jonathan Parker Fisher, D.D., from the archdea- conry of Barnstaple, installed 17th Oct. 1807. He died 31st July 1838, aged 81.

Richard Stephens, collated 13th Oct. 1840.

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