John held this dignity in 1154.
Robert held it in 1 155.
John was promoted to this bishopric in 11 86.
Bernard, witness to a deed about 1186
Thomas, about 1187^6^
Henry, whose signature appears to bishop Marshall's
grant of Woodbury to the vicars choral in 1 205. William de Sundun. William from this dignity was made bishop of this see
in 1224 ^7.
Roger de Bagetore held this office 28th Oct. 1224.
Adam de Sancta Brigida died possessed of it xi Cal. Maii (21st April) 1232 ^s.
Philip de Bagetore was precentor in 1233.
William de Arundel held this office in 1242.
Ralph de Hilstiton, alias de Hengham, was a wit- ness to an ordination of vicars in the church of Exeter in 1243. He resigned in 1 281^9.
Henry de Somersete was collated xvii Cal. Maii (15th April) 128120. He became dean of this cathedral.
Walter de Lechlade was collated ist Aug. 1282. He resigned in 1283, and is said to have been mur- dered in the churchyard of St. Peter, Exeter, anno I286-!!.
��1^ Reg. Wellen. license " was the slaughter of
1" Annal. Waverl. Pat. 8 Hen. Walter Lichlade, the first chaunt-
III. er there, as he came from the
IS Martyr. Eccl. Exon. MS. mattins then said soon after
19 Reg. Quivil. midnight." John called Pycot
^ Ibid. priest of Exeter, John de Cristi-
21 Prynne, (iii. p. 357,) in nestowe vicar of Heavitree, John
printing a hcense to the dean de Wolrington vicar of Ottery
and chapter of Exeter to inclose St. Mary, and Luke de St. Leo-
their churchyard with a wall, nard's clerk, were accused of the
gates, &c., states, on the au- murder of Walter de Lechlade,
thority of the Annales Burton- formerly precentor of Exeter:
enses, that the occasion of this " Super consensu mortis Ma-
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