Joseph Holden Pott, collated 2nd May 1826, vice Thomas Johnes, deceased. Ob. i6th Feb. 1847, aetat. 88.
Edward Charles Harington, collated 16th July
This dignity is rated for first fruits at 59^."^
Matthew Sutcliffe, 12th Oct. 1588.
JoHK Williams, 26th May 1590, on the death of
William Evans. John Baber, ist Aug. 1590, on the resignation of
Thomas Langlierne. Nicholas Stowell, 30th Oct. 1590, on the death of
Thomas Fisher. James Spycer, 2nd March 1590-91, vice D. Nycolls. John Howson, 29th May 1592, on the death of John
Ken nail. Robert Steynynges, LL.D., loth Jan. 1592-3, vice
Thomas Lodington. Milo Smythe, S.T.P., 30th Dec. 1595, vice John
Chardon, resigned. Martin Keye, 30th March 1596, vice Giles Tompson. Richard Morgan, loth May 1596, vice John Harding,
resigned. Richard Bowdon, 21st April 1597, vice Nicholas
Mercer, deceased. John Sprott, 5th Oct. 1599, vice Richard Founteyne,
��77 Bishops' Certificates. entry has been compared with
78 Ibid. the Bishops' Registers at Exeter
79 Ecton, p. 102. by my kind and learned friends
- The hst of the prebendaries the Rev. Dr. Ohver and Pitman
of Exeter was made out from Jones, Esq. of Exeter, who have
the Bishops' Certificates in the made several important additions
Public Record OflSce, but each and corrections.
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