William Holmes lo^ 26th June 1742, vice Alured Clarke.
Nicholas, bishop o/Exeter'^^, 2nd Aug. 1742, vice Stephen bishop of Exeter. Ob. 8th Dec. 1746.
William Hole, 18th July 1744, vice John Cooke de- ceased 1'^.
Arthur Harris^ 26th March 1745, vice John Grant deceased ^3.
George, UshoiJ ofExeter^'^, 7th Feb. 1746-7. Ob. 13th Sept. 1762.
James Gayer, 18th April 1747, vice Lewis Stephens deceased.
Jeremiah Milles, dean of Exon, nth May 1747, vice Peter Foulkes deceased^^. Ob. 13th Feb. 1783, jet. 71.
James Carrington, 21st Aug. 1 747, vice John Walker deceased i^.
Philip Barton, 5th Sept. 1747, vice Walter Stert de- ceased ^7. Ob. 24th June 1796.
Charles Lytelton, 5th May 1748, vice William Holmes deceased ^s.
John Naylor, 26th Feb. 1749, vice Aaron Baker de- ceased ^ 9. Ob. 12th Feb. 1 76 1.
Joseph Hodges, 6th Nov. 1751, vice Wilham Williams deceased 20.
NuTCOMBE QuicKE, 7th Oct. 1755, ^'^^^ Charlcs Wil- liams deceased -1.
Walter Borlase, 21st May 1757, vice Benjamin Bulkeley deceased '^2.
William Short^ 24th Nov. 1757, vice Theophilus Blackall deceased -^.
Thomas Baker, 13th Dec. 1757, vice John Fursman deceased -4.
��'0 Not in the Reg. Cantuar. '^ Bishops' Certificates.
'1 Not in Registry, 16 Ibid. 17 ibid,
12 Bishops' Certificates, 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid.
13 Ibid. 20 Ibid, 21 Ibid.
14 Not in the Register, 22 ibid. 23 ibid. 24 ibid.
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