RouERT Tarrant, 26th June 1776, vice Walter Bor- lase, deceased^^ Ob. 25th Feb. 1798.
John Gandy, 7th Nov. 1777, vice Edmund Granger, deceased ^"2. Ob. 1824, setat. 83.
John, hishop of Exeter ^'^, 23rd Jan. 1778, vice Frederick, bishop of Exeter.
Richard Milles, 13th May 1778, vice Peter Foulkes, deceased **.
Thomas Heberden, 5th Oct. 1778, vice Robert Wight, deceased 45. Ob. 17th Oct. 1843, ^tat. 90.
James Parsons, 6th Aug. 1779, ^^^^ William Digby, resigned ^6.
Theophilus Blackall, 3rd Feb. 1780, vice James Pit- cairn, deceased^7. Ob. 4th Aug. 178 1.
Thomas Clack, 19th March 1781, vice Thomas Hur- rell, deceased.
John Swete, 27th Aug. 1781, vice Theophilus Blackall, deceased.
William Buller, D.D. 13th March 1784, vice Jere- miah Milles, deceased.
William Carpenter, 17th Feb. 1785, vice Jonathan Toup, deceased.
Roger Massey, 24th June 1785, vice James Parsons, deceased,
John Acland, 5th March 1788, vice John Sleech, de- ceased.
Sir Henry Trelawney, bart., 27th Jan. 178,9, vice Thomas Prowse, deceased.
George Gordon, 29th Aug. 1789, vice Thomas Skyn- ner, deceased.
Charles Harward, 15th July 1790, vice William Buller, resigned.
William Woolcombe, 9th Dec. 1791, vice William Hole, deceased.
John Francis Howell, 21st Jan. 1794, vice James Carrington, deceased. Ob. 1824.
- ^ Bishops' Certificates. 44 Bishops' Certificates.
42 Ibid. 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid.
43 Not in Register. 47 ibid.
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