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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/478

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visited during one half of the year, and the bishop of Gloucester's chancellor during the other half'. The see of Bristol being void by the promotion of Dr. Allen to Ely, it was united^ to this diocese under the name of the diocese of Gloucester and Bristol ; the bi- shop to be elected alternately by the dean and chapter of Bristol and the dean and chapter of Gloucester.


This bishopric was taken out of the see of Worcester in 1541. The charter by which it was erected bears date 3rd Sept. 33 Hon. VIIL (1541), and is enrolled on the second part of the Patent Roll of that year, m. 10. It is printed in Rymer's Foedcra, vol. xiv. p. 724.

1541 Joiix Wakeman, last abbot of Teiol-eshury , was ap- 33 II.VIII. pointed by the charter of erection the first bishop of this see, and the archbishop of Canterbury was in- formed thereof and desired to consecrate him 4th Sept. 1541; he was consecrated at Croydon 25th Sept. 154T". He died at Wormington^, in the county of Gloucester, in the beginning of Dec. 1549, ind was there buried. The spiritualities at his decease were taken into the hands of the archbishop 6th Dec.

3 But by the order in council ^ The charter of endowment above mentioned, the deanery of and the statutes given by the the Forest was exempted and re- founder to the church are in sir leased from the jurisdiction of Robert Atkyns's History of Glou- the archdeacon of Hereford, and cestershire, folio.

placed under that of the arch- "^ Pat. 33 Hen.VHI. p.6.m.i5. deacon of Gloucester. By the 7 Reg. Cranmer, fol. 271. same order in council the dean- ^ Ant. Wood concludes that eriesof Bristol, Cirencester, Fair- bishop Wakeman died at Fort- ford, and Hawkesbury, were de- hampton, Gloucestershire, where tached and dissevered from the he had a house and a chapel, archdeaconry of Gloucester, and Godwin calls the place of his constituted and made an arch- decease Worthington, meaning deaconry, called the archdea- Wormington. There was a mo- conrjf of Bristol. nument or cenotaph erected to

4 Order dated 5th, gazetted 7th him at Tewkesbury. Oct. 1836.

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