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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/481

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and consecrated 17th March 1604-5^'^; ^^^ ^'^ 1607^1

he was translated to London. 607 Hexry Parry, S.T.P., dean of Chester, was elected rac. I. 12th June 1607, confirmed 9th July, and consecrated

1 2th July 1607'^^; and in 1610 he was translated to


611 Giles Thompsox or Tomson, S.T.P.,dean of Windsor, Fac. I. was elected 15th March 1610-1 1, confirmed 8th June

161 1, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day 33. He died 14th June 1612,^^. His will, dated 12th Feb. 16056, was proved 7th July 161 2 3^.

612 Miles Smith, S.T.P., was elected 15th July 1612, con- Jac. I. firmed 19th Sept., and consecrated at Croydon the

next day 36. He died 20th Oct. 1624. His will bears date 7th March 1623-4, and was proved 6th Nov. 162437. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Smith, is dated 15th Nov. 1624 3. 624 Godfrey Goodmak, S.T.P., dean of Rochester, was Jac. I. elected 26th Nov. 1624, obtained the royal assent 12th Feb. 1624539, and the temporalities were restored to him 2 1 st March 1 6245 ^ ' ^^ ^^^^ confirmed 5th March, and consecrated at Lambeth the next day*'. His bishopric was sequestered from him in 1640. He died a professed Roman catholic 19th Jan. 16^^6, and was buried in the parish church of St. Margaret, Westminster. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury '*2.

See vacant till after the Restoration. 660 William Nicholson, S.T.P., archdeacon of Brecknock;

3ar. II.

��30 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 28. gift. Reg, Abbot.

31 Camden, in his Annals of 35 Fenner, 63.

James I., says that Ravis was 36 Reg. Abbot, I. fol. 33.

translated to London 2nd June 37 Byrde, 102.

1607. 38 Pat. 22 Jac. I. p. 13. No. 3.

32 Reg. Bancroft, fol. 62. 39 ibid. No. 2.

33 Reg. Abbot, fol. 13. et 40ibid. N^. i.

Camd. Ann. Jac. I. 41 Rgg. Abbot, II. fol. 96,

34 Ex Epitaphio. Reg. Whit- 42 Berkley, II. 65.

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