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1422 Thomas Spofford, bishoj) elect of Rochester^ was re- roHen.V. moved before his consecration from that see to Here- ford by the Pope's bull dated xv Cal. Dec. (17th Nov.) 1421^', and had restitution of the temporalities 25th May 1422^^. He made profession of his obedience on the 29th of the same month '9, and voluntarily re- signed his see in 1448, and ended his days in St. Mary's Abbey, York, where he had formerly been abbot. 1449 Richard Beauchamp, LL.D., archdeacon of Suffolk,

27 Hen. VI. -vvas provided to this see by pope Nicolas 4th Dec. 1448 'Oj and had the custody of the temporalities granted to him on the 3rd of that month ^1, and ple- nary restitution of them 31st Jan. 14489^-. He was consecrated^- 9th Feb. following. In 1450 he was translated to Salisbury ^^. 1451 Regixald Boulers alias Bolers ^% ahhot of St. Peter's,

sgHen.vI. Gloucester, was provided to this see by bull of pope Calixtus 1 8th Sept. 1450; and obtained the tempo- ralities of this see 23rd Sept. 1450^^, and was conse- crated 14th Feb. 1450-51^7, He was enthroned 2nd

��^^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 33. ^i Pat. 27 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 13.

48 Pat. 10 Hen. V. m. 10. 2 The King informed the

49 23 Maii 1422. Domino in chancellor 29th Jan. 1448-9 that manerio suo de Lamhithe pre- Richard de Beauchamp, bishop sentatse fuerunt per mortem fra- elect of Hereford, had done trisThomse Hereforden. Episcopi fealty; and commands the chan- literae apostohcse .... Martinus cellor to issue the usual letters episcopus servus servo rum Dei patent of restitution of the tem- venerabili fratri Archiepiscopo poralities to him. Lett. Miss, in Cantuar ad dilectum fihum Turr. Lond.

Thomam Hereford tunc RofFens. ^^ Reg. Beauchamp. fol. 2 a. electum .... Dat. Rom. apud S. Licentiam consecrationis suae Petrum xv Cal. Decemb. Pont, impetravit extra ecclesiam Can- quarto. . . Deinde 29 Maii prox. tuar. celebrandse impetravit 30 sequen. Thomas Hereford, epi- Dec. 1448. Reg. Cantuar. Scopus professionem fecit Hen- '** Pat. 29 Hen.VI.p. i. m. 14. rico Cantuar. archiepiscopo ibi- ^^ Godwin calls him Butler, dem, et literse directee sunt ad ^^ Fat. 29 Hen. VI. p. i.m. 14. deliberand, spiritual. Reg. Chi- 57 The hcense for his conse- chel. cration is dated 24th Jan. 1 450-1 .

50 Reg. Stafford, fol. 31. Reg. Cantuar.

VOL. I. 30

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