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consecrated in 1502"'^, and translated to Bath and Wells in 150471. 1504 Richard Mayo or Mayew, archdeacon of Oxford^ and

o H. VII. president of Magdalen college^ Oxford, was provided to the see of Hereford by pope Julius II. 9th Aug. 15047-, and consecrated at Lambeth 27th Oct. The temporalities were restored to him ist Nov. in that year "3. He died i8th April 15 16, and was buried in Hereford cathedral. His will, dated 24th March 15 15-16, was proved loth May 15167^. 1516 Charles Boothe, LL.D,, archdeacon of Bucks, by papal

5H.VIII. bull dated 21st July 15 16. He was consecrated^^ at Otford 30th Nov. in that year^^^ and obtained the temporahties 19th Feb. 15 16-1777. He died 5th May 1535, and was buried in Hereford cathedral78. His will was proved 8th May 1.535. 1535 Edward Fox, S.T.P., archdeacon of Leicester and Dor-

7H.VIII. set, succeeded Charles Boothe, and the royal assent was given to his election 2nd Sept. 1535 79 ; he was confirmed by the archbishop on the i5th^'^, and con- secrated at Winchester on the 26th of the same month^i. The temporalities were restored to him 4th Oct. in that year^'^. He died 8th May 1538. The cus-

Chrysogoni. He was rector of Mayo, fol. i b. 2 a.

St. Dunstan-in-the-East, Lon- 73 pat. 20 H.VII. p. i. m. 11.

don, at the time of his nomina- 74 Li^,. Holder, in Offic. Pre-

tion to the see of Hereford, hav- rog. Cantuar.

ing been collated thereto 17th 75 xhe license for his conse-

May 1492, void by the death oration is dated 22nd Nov., and

of David Williams. Richard the commission for his installa-

Hilley was Hadrian's successor tion 2nd Dec. following. Reg.

at St. Dunstan's, and appointed Cantuar.

by the King 30th Aug. 1502. 76 Rgg. Warhara, fol. 19. and

Reg. Deane, Cantuar. Reg. Boothe.

70 Edward Sheffield was pre- T' Pat. 8 Hen.VHI. p.2. m.15. sented to the vicarage of Luton, 78 Ex Epitaphio. and Reg. in the archdeaconry of Bedford, ipsius.

void by the consecration of Ha- 79 Pat. 2^ H.VHI. p. 2. m. 20.

drian as bishop of Hereford, 9th Reg. Cranm. fol. 173.

May 1502. Reg. Smith. Line. ^1 Reg. Fox ad finem Reg.

71 Pat. 2oHen.Vn.p.i.m.ii. Boothe.

72 Reg. Warham, and Reg. 82 Pat. 27 H.VHL p. 2. m. 8.


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