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was deprived 19th March 155349^; on which day a license was issued to elect a bishop in his stead ^^. 1554 Robert Wabton, ahas Parfew, alias Purfoy, bishop

1 Mar. of Bt. Asaph, was translated to Hereford on the de-

privation of John Harley, and the temporalities of the see were restored to him 24th April 155497. He died 22nd Sept. 1557. His will was proved 21st Jan.

1557-8 Thomas Reynolds, S.T.P., dean of Exeter^ was nomi- nated by the Queen to the see of Hereford, and she granted to him the custody of the temporalities 7th Nov. 1558 9^ ; but queen Mary dying before his con- secration could take place, he was removed by queen EHzabeth, who thereupon issued a license to the dean and chapter to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Warton 99 ; in pursuance of which 1560 John Skorye or Scory^, bishop) of Chichester, (of which

2 Eliz. dignity he had been deprived by queen Mary), was

elected to Hereford 15th July 1559; he obtained the royal assent to his election i8th Dec. following', and was confirmed in Bow church, London, on the 20th of the same month-. The temporalities were restored to him 23rd Mar. 1559-60-^ He died at Whitbourne in Herefordshire 25th June 1585, and was buried there. His will was proved 23rd Aug. 1585^. 1586 Herbert Westfaling, S.T.P., was nominated by 28 Eliz. queen Elizabeth to the bishopric of Hereford 1 7th Nov. 1585, and elected by the chapter i6th Dec. He was confirmed by the archbishop 29th Jan. 1585-6, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth \ He died ist March 16012, and was buried in Hereford ca- thedral^. His will, dated 6th Aug. 1601, was proved

��95 Pat. I Mar. p. 7. m. 34. 1 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 6.

96 Ibid. 2 Reg. Parker.

97 Ibid. p. I. m. 2T. 3 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 14. m. 4.

98 Pat. 5 & 6 Phil. & Mar. p. 5. 4 Brudenel, 39.

m. I. 5 Reg. Whitg. fol. 47.

99 Pat. I Eliz. p. 6. m. 2. 6 Ex Epitaphio.

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