Elias de Bristol held this office in 1 145.
Reginald about i 150,
Thomas Foliot about 1160.
Ivo about 1 173^6_
Gilbert about 1200.
Elias de Radnor held it in 1217. Made bishop of
Llandaff in 1230^^. Richard de Gravesexd was elected bishop of Lincoln
from this dignity in 1258 ^5. Giles de Avenbury held it 5th Aug. I2629. Installed
dean in 1271. William le Rus or Rous held it in 1272 and 1275.
Died in 1276 or 1277. Luke de Bee, collated 6th April 1277. He held it
in 1288. John de Swixfeld, or Swixfeud, collated 21st March
1292. Made precentor in 1294. Roger de Sevenack succeeded 21st Sept. 1294. He
died in i2999o_ Roger of Canterbury, collated 13th Jan. 12991300.
Died in 1303. William de la Gare^i, collated 1st June 1303. Died
in the same year. Nicholas de Reygate, collated 24th March 13045.
He died at the end of 1307 or beginning of 1308. John de Kemesiye, 6th April 1308^-. Thomas de Pembridge, appointed i8th May 1317^3.
He died in 1328. John de Ewe, collated 23rd Oct. 1328. William de Everdin held it 23rd Oct. 1329. Thomas de Bolere or Boleye, collated 17th March
6 Lib. S. Job. de Brecon. MS. a^ Reg. Swinf. .1133.
fol. 51. 91 Ibid. f. 139 a.
" Pat. 14 Hen. III. p. i. m.3. 92 ibid. f. 161 b.
88 Reg. Peckbam, 165. ^3 Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 13.
89 Pat. 47 Hen. III.
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