Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/533

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Thomas Wotton, installed 29th Nov. 1668 9^. Ob. 3otli Aug. 171 1.

Thomas Gwillim, collated 4th Sept. 17 11, vice Tho- mas Wotton 93.

William Egerton, collated ist Sept. 1726, vice Tho- mas Gwillim 94,

Samuel Croxall, collated 27th July 173 1, vice Wil- liam Egerton resigned ^s.

William Lane, collated 3rd July 1732, vice Samuel Croxall resigned 96,

Rodney Croxall, collated 30th Jan. 1744-5, vice William Lane resigned 97.

William Willim, collated 19th June 1754, vice Rod- ney Croxall 98.

William Parker, collated 23rd April 1760, vice Wil- liam Willim resigned 99.

Richard Walond, collated 26th July 1802, vice Wil- liam Parker deceaseds

Frederick Benjamin Twisleton, now lord Say and Sele, collated 15th Dec. 1831, vice Richard Walond-.


Henry de Vere seems to have held this dignity about

the year j 200. Ranulphus was chancellor of this church, though at

what period is not certain; he probably succeeded Vere. Albinus de Cave held it in 12 15 and 1226 3, Thomas possessed it in 1242 4. Emericus de AauABLANCA was chancellor of Hereford

in 1281^; had letters of protection 2nd Jan. 128456. Emericus de Bryauncun died possessed of this office

circa Feb. 1286-7. He was probably the same person

as Emericus de Aquablanca^.

82 Bishops' Certificates. 3 Cartular. Radyng. MS. in

93 Ibid. ^^ Ibid. Offic. Augment, vol. ix. fol. 6.

95 Ibid. 96 Ibid. 4 Pat. 26 Hen. III. m. 19.

97 Ibid. 98 Ibid. s Reg. Swinf. fol. 39 a.

99 Ibid. 1 Ibid. 6 Pat. 13 Edw. I.

2 Ibid. 7 Reg. Swinf. fol. 39 a.

3 R 2

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