Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/552

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Thomas Russell, collated 7th July 1752. George Cope, collated 28th Jan. 1785. James Wetherell, collated 13th Sept. 1821


John de Weston was confirmed in this stall in 1295. Roger of Gloucester succeeded 31st Aug. 1304. William de Henselowe orHuNTiLOWE was presented

by the King 4th Oct. ^354^^. Philip Ilger or Algar was presented by the King

1 2th Aug. 1357^^. Y John Chyne was also presented by the King 3rd ^ March 1387-8.

' Thomas Moor held this stall in 1421. Walter Eston succeeded loth Oct. 1421. Richard Rotherham resigned this prebend in 1454. Richard Rudhall, collated 20th Oct. 1454. Robert Tarry, collated 3rd April 1472. Richard Marten, collated 26th Feb. 1477-8. Richard Pede, dean of Hereford, died possessed of this

prebend in 1480. Christopher Twynhoe resigned this stall in 1508 for

Moreton cum Whaddon. Thomas Woodroff, collated 5th Feb. 1508-9. He

resigned it for the Prebenda Episcopi in 1531. Thomas Parker, collated 21st July 1531. Ob. 1538. Richard Benson, collated 20th Oct. 1538. Ob. nth

Feb. 1547-8. His will, dated 16th Oct. 1547, was

proved 22nd Feb. following. Thomas Carpenter, collated 17th Feb. 1547-8. Francis Baldwin, collated 28th April 1556. Simon Smith held this stall in 156 1. Ob. 1606, being

also archdeacon of Hereford. John Richardson, admitted 9th July 1606, and in- stalled 5th Aug. 1606. Ob. 1636, being dean of


��53 Pat. 28 Edxv. III. M Pat. 31 Edw. III.

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