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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/559

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Miles Ragoun resigned this stall in 1512.

Nicholas Walveyx succeeded 25th Nov. 15 12. Ob.

1545- Richard Harford succeeded 27th May 1545.

John Barlow succeeded 3rd Jan. 1546-7.

William Collins succeeded 31st Aug. 1554.

John Parfew, collated circa 1556; deprived 156 1.

Ralph Griffith succeeded 26tli June 1562.

Timothy Deswell, collated 1st July 1570.

Richard Harris, collated 13th Nov. 1575.

Morgan Powell held this stall in 1588. Ob. 1621.

John Hughes, admitted 7th June 1614; resigned in


John Sculle, collated 24th May 1625. Ob. 1641.

William Sherborne succeeded in 1642. Ob. 1679.

Thomas Martin, installed 21st April 1679. ^^* 1689.

Francis Jauncy, installed 21st April 1690.

Rodney Croxall, collated 10th Nov. 1732.

John Stephens, collated 18th May 1754.

John Harley, collated ist July 1756.

John Hoskyns, collated 19th March 1760.

Samuel Picart, collated 25th May 1805.

Charles Taylor, collated 7th Oct. 1835.

Waties Corbett, collated 27th July 1836.



��John de Shelving held it in 1294.

William de Gare was collated 25th July 1295.

Richard de Dinmour succeeded in 1303.

John de Orleton succeeded 15th July 13 12.

Richard de Chandos, collated 28th Aug. 1341.

John Hereford succeeded 18th Oct. 1389. J Thomas Makebltth died possessed of this stall in A. 143 1.

Richard Moreton, collated 15th March 1431-2.

John Homme, collated i8th Dec. 1433. ^^- ^^^^^ '^^^^

1473- David Hopton succeeded in 1473; I'esigned in J 479.

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