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same month (xiv Kal. Jan.) on the north side of the choir[1]. On 6th Jan. 1293 the license to elect his successor was issued[2], and

23 Edw. I.
Robert Winchelsey, archdeacon of Essex, was unanimously chosen 13th Feb. 1293[3], and presented on the 15th of the same month to the King for his consent, which being obtained, he set out for Rome to procure the Pope's confirmation, where he arrived on Whitsunday[4]; but the papal chair being then vacant, he was compelled to remain there upwards of a year. He was at length confirmed 4th Sept. 1294, and his confirmation having been solemnly published on the 7th, his consecration took place at Rome on the 12th of the same month. On 5th Oct. he left Rome, and arrived in England at the latter end of January 1295, and proceeded at once to do fealty to the King, who was then in Wales; this done, his temporalities were restored to him 5th Feb.[5] He arrived at Canterbury 18th March, but was not enthroned until 2nd Oct.[6] He died at Oxford 11th May 1313[7], and was buried on the 23rd of the same month in his own cathedral[8]. The prior and chapter of Christ Church, by letter dated 24th May 1313, inform the King of the death of archbishop Robert, and pray for the royal license to elect another in his room[9]. The license to elect was issued 24th May 1313[10].

  1. Sepultus xiv Kal. Jan. in ecclesia sua in parte aquilonali juxta locum martyrii B. Thomæ Martyris. (Reg. Cantuar.) Nicholas de Knovile and Simon Greilley were the executors of his will. Reg. Winchels. 223.
  2. Pat. 21 Edw. I. m. 22.
  3. Annal. Wigorn. and Concil. Angl. ii. 189.
  4. Birchint. and Can. Lichf.
  5. Pat. 23 Edw. I. m. 16. Upon the death of archbishop Peckham the custody of the temporalities was granted to Ralph de Berners and David le Grante.
  6. Matt. Westm. Die Dominica prox. post festum instans Sancti Michaelis (an. 1295) in nostra Cant, ecclesia intronizari proponimus. Reg. Winchels.
  7. Birchingt. 17.
  8. Obit. Cantuar.
  9. Lett. in Tower of Lond.
  10. Pat. 6 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 7.