signed it imniediatoly. He was promoted to tho bi- shopric in i]4].
John Wai.wix, presented Jjth Dec. 1327*'-.
Lewis Chkhi.kton, collated 25th Sept. 1336; made bi- shop of til o see in 1361.
Kkuauu Ravkxsok was presented by the King 13th
Nov. 1361 ; resigned this stall \^^6H. Ob. 1387, being
archdeacon of Lincoln.
A Waltf.r ILviNiMKSBruY came into this stall circa 1368;
made precentor of this cluirch circa 1381. Ob. 1406.
Henuy Milks, collated 17th Nov. 1406; he was also precentor.
Wamtr London, collated list April 1420.
John Baysham, collated 20th Sept. 1420.
RioHARn JNLvRrEX, collated 13th Juno 1434.
Thoimas Lewshahi sncceeded 27th Feb. 1442-3.
Jaaiks (toi.uwELL, collated 2nd Nov. 1461. He was preferred to the see of Norwich.
Walter Peitwin, collated 7th Oct. 1464.
Thomas nt)w\F., collated 20th .Inly 1468. Ob. 1489, being precentor.
RouERT Castellen snccccded circa 1490.
Ralph Hannys died possessed of this stall in 1301 .
William ^^'l.l!l!, arc/idcacon of Salop, collated 9th Oct. 130S.
John l^irnt sncceeded 15th Nov. 151 2. Ob. 1538, being also archdeacon of Coventrv.
Simon Otiluekt, installed 20th Sept. 1538. Ob. Aug. 1568.
Henry Tanneu, collated 16th Oct. 1568. His will is dated 6th Aug. 1368.
Geoiu;f \\' 1 1 iiNunAM held this stall in 1580.
(ii liVAsK Bai!1noton, installed in 1388. He was suc- cessively bishop of Llandaff, E.xeter, and ^^'orcoster; and held this stall until his translation to Worcester in 1597.
<'- Pat. 1 F.ilw. 111. p.;,. ni.o. O V 2
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