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��and was buried in Lichfield cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Langton, is dated 22nd Nov. 7321 1^. 1222 Roger de Northburgh or Norbrige^^, archdeacon

i5Edw. II. of Richmond, was appointed by the Pope, and had the temporahties restored to him [2th April 1322 17. He was consecrated 27th June in that year, and made profession of obedience 3 ist Aug. following. He died 13th Dec. 1358 1^, and was interred in Lichfield cathe- dral 1^. This prelate was appointed treasurer of the exchequer 2nd March 1328-0, The license to elect a successor to Roger de Northburgh is not enrolled. 1360 Robert Stretton, LL.D., however succeeded ; he

34Edw.IIl. was elected by the chapters of Lichfield and Coventry, and obtained the royal assent ist Jan. 1358-9-1. He made his profession of obedience 6th Feb. ; but the temporalities were not restored to him until 19th Sept. 1360-'-. In the mean while, 22nd April 1360,

��throne, bishop Langton was im- prisoned and his temporahties seized into the King's hands 20th Sept. 1307 (Rot. Fin. i Edw. II. m.i6. et Claus. i Edw. II. mm. 6, 7. dorso). Upon being re- stored to favour through pope Clement's interference, the tem- porahties were given back to him 3rd Oct. 1308. Claus. 2 Edw. II. m. 15.

1-^ Pat. 15 Edw. II. m. 10.

16 The King wrote to the Pope 30th Nov. 1 32 1 recommending that Robert Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex and canon of Lich- field, should be preferred to the vacant see of Lichfield and Co- ventry, and again 22nd Dec. fol- lowing on the same subject (Rot. Rom. et Franc. 15 Edw. II. mm. II, 12), and yet 4th Jan. following, he again wrote to the Pope in the following words : " Per literas venerabihs patris

��domini L. Dei gratia, Sanctse Mariae in via Lata diaconi cardi- nalis, de voluntate vestra nobis, ut credimus, directas, didicimus quod, ad nostri instantiam nec- non et ob honorem nostrum et regni nostri utilitatem, dilectum clericum nostrum, magistrum Rogerum de Northburgh, archi- diaconum Richemund, in episco- pum et pastorem ecclesiarum Coventr. et Lichfield, jam va- cantium, preefecistis &c." Rot. Rom. et Franc. 15 Edw. II. ra. II.

17 Pat. 15 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 21.

'8 Walsingham (p. 167) places his death in 1359, which must be incorrect, as his successor re- ceived the royal assent ist Jan.


'9 Reg. Islip. fol. 220. 20 Pat. 2Edw.in. p. I. m. 16. 2' Pat. 32 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 4. 22 Pat. 34 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 13.

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