William de Sallowe'-^^^
William Crosse, admitted 5th Oct. 135 1.
Hugh de Mariscis, again in March 135221.
Richard Boule, admitted 30th July 1354.
William Driffield succeeded Boule.
John de Pipe, admitted 21st Sept. 1358; died in 1361.
Richard de Birmingham^'^ succeeded iithDec. 1361. \^ William Lamb, admitted 1st Dec. 1369. He ex- changed it in the same month with / Robert de Stretton, 28th Dec. 1369. Died in 1408.
Robert Oxton, admitted 10th June 1408; appointed 7th June 140823.
John Heyworth, admitted i8th July 1422. Made treasurer in 1433.
Robert Esple, admitted 12th May 1433. Resigned in 1442.
Roger Wall, collated 30th May 1442. Died in 1488.
Thomas Mylls, admitted ist Dec. 1488. He died 30th Jan. 1504-5. His will is dated 5th Dec. 1504.
Ralph Collingwood succeeded in 1505. His suc- cessor was
John Blithe, admitted 2nd Oct. 1512. He died about Nov. 1558.
Thomas Lever succeeded, or at any rate he compound- ed for his first fruits in 1560, and died in July 1577.
William James, admitted 27th Aug. 1577. He be- came bishop of Durham.
William Hinton, admitted 14th Nov. 1584^^. He died in 1631.
Samuel Brook, collated 13th May 163 1 25. He died in the same vear.
Ralph Brownrigg, collated 29th Sept. 16^1'^^. Made bishop of Exeter in 1642.
Francis Walsall, S.T.P., nominated by the King 20th June 1642, vice Ralph Brownrigg.
20 Pat. 24 Edw. III. p. 2. in. 2. 23 Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 31.
21 Pat. 26 Edw. III. 24 Bishops' Certificates.
22 Or Beaucham, Reg. Islip. 25 Jbid. 26 ibid.
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