Alexander had the office in 1191 39. Henry of London^o held it in 1 194, 1202^ and 1204^^. From this dignity was made archbishop of Dublin in
Helyas is said to have held it about 1213.
Robert of Gloucester, appointed 5th March 1213^2^ died possessed of this dignity in 1222**'*.
William of York occurs in the time of bishop Alex- ander, who died in 1238 45.
R BE Langdon held it 16th July 1234^6,
Robert of Stafford held it in 1244^7.
Richard de Mepham held it in i259s.
Thomas de Cantilupe held it in 1265^^. He became bishop of Hereford in 1275.
Adam Paine enjoyed it about 1290^^.
John de Bromford held it in 1321.
Robert Pacca orPACTo or Patrick held it in 1322^
John Clavel or Clarel was admitted ix Cal. Sept. (Aug. 24) 1323. He died in June 1337^^.
William Appleton or Appletree, 1338.
Roger de Depyng held it in 1349.
Richard de Bermingham succeeded Depyng in 1349.
John de Marisco held it in 1353.
William de Greenborough in 1355.
John de Sulgrave in 1358.
John de Oudeby possessed the dignity in 1374, and quitted it in 1381 ^^.
39 Chron. Osen. MS. f. 47. 43 Pat. 14 Joh. m. 2.
4" Le Neve, following Rymer, 44 Annal. Teokisbir. vol. i. p. 128, erroneously makes 45 MS. Ashmole 1527. f. 30. Peter de Rupibus archdeacon of 46 Prynn's Histor. Collect.
Stafford in 1202; but Henry torn. ii. p. 454. held the office at that time. The "^7 Pat. 29 Hen. HI. m. 5. document, which is incorrectly '^^ Madox.Formul.Angl.p.311.
printed in the Foedera, may be See also Lett, in Turr. No. 534. seen at p. 6 of the Rotuli Litte- 49 Pat. 50 Hen. HI. rarum Patentium temp. Joh. '>o Reg. VVinchelsey.
41 Pat. 8 Joh. m. 2. et Pat. 9 61 Pat. 15 Edw. H. p. i. m. 3. Job. 52 Reg, Burwash Episc. Line.
42 Warajus de Prgesuhbus Hi- et Pat. 8 Edw. HL p. 2. ; berniae. 53 Reg. Chichel. fol. 128.
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