dated 5th Aug.[1], and the temporalities were delivered to him on the 23rd of the same month[2], He died at Maidstone 31st July 1396[3] and was buried in his own cathedral by command of the King[4]. The license to elect a new archbishop after the decease of Courtenay is dated 3rd Aug.[5]; and
?? Ric. IIThomas Arundel, archbishop of York, was translated to the see by papal provision ; the bull, dated vii Cal. Oct. (25th Sept.) 1396, was received at Lambeth l0th Jan. 1397, and published in the cathedral at Canterbury on the following day[6], He received the temporalities 11th Jan. 1397[7], and also his cross on the same day, and was enthroned on the 19th of the same month[8]. In the second year of his translation he was attainted of high treason, and compelled to leave the kingdom, "ratione judicii versus ipsum in parliamento nostro apud Westminster die Lunse proximo post festum Exaltacionis Sanctae Orucis ultimo præteritum redditi[9]."Upon which the Pope appointed him bishop of St. Andrew's[10]; and in his stead his Holiness substituted
?? Ric. II.Roger Walden, dean of York, who had the temporalities restored to him 21st Jan. 1398[11]; but king
- ↑ 68 Pat. 5 Ric. II. p. I. m. 29.
- ↑ Ibid. m. 17.
- ↑ Juratores dicunt super sacramentum suum quod Gulielmus de Courteneye nuper archiepiscopus Cantuariæ obiit die Lunæ proximo ante festum S. Petri ad Vincula. Inq. post mort. 20 Ric. II. n. 17.
- ↑ In his will he directed that his body should be buried in Exeter cathedral, before the great cross, where three deans lie in a row, and by a codicil annexed thereto during his last sickness, he appointed the place of his burial to be in the churchyard of the collegiate church of Maidstone in Kent; but this part of his will was not fulfilled. See Whart. Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 121.
- ↑ Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. I. m. 24.
- ↑ Reg. Arundel, fol. 2.
- ↑ Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. I. m. I.
- ↑ Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. I. m. 16.
The custody of them had been granted to him 26th Aug. 1396.
Reg. Arundel. - ↑ Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 11.
- ↑ Ibid. m. 14.
- ↑ Ibid. m. 14 and 11.