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granted to him 13th July 1487[1]. He died at Knole 15th Sept. 1500, and was buried in his own cathedral[2]. His will was proved 22nd Oct. following[3]. The congé d'élire, vice cardinal[4] archbishop Morton deceased, is dated 9th Jan. 1501[5].

Thomas Langton, bishop of Winchester, was elected to this see 22nd of Jan. 1501, but died on the 27th of the same month, before his translation could be perfected[6].

16 H. VII.
Henry Deane or Denny, bishop of Salisbury and chancellor of England, was then elected 26th April 1501, and confirmed by the Pope's bull dated 26th May ; he had the temporalities restored to him 7th Aug. following[7]. He died 15th Feb. 1503, and was buried in his own cathedral[8]. His will is proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury.

19 H. VII
William Wareham, bishop of London and chancellor of England, was translated to this see 29th Nov. 1503; had the temporalities delivered to him 24th Jan. 1504[9], and was enthroned 9th March following. He died 23rd Aug. 1532[10], and was buried in his own cathedral.

24 H. VIII
Thomas Cranmer, S. T. P. was made archbishop of Canterbury by papal bull dated 21st Feb. 1533[11]; he was consecrated 30th March 1533[12], and had the

  1. 7 Pat. 2 Hen. VII. p. 4. m. II.
  2. Reg. Cantuar.
  3. Lib. Moone.
  4. He was a cardinal by title of St. Anastatius.
  5. Pat. 16 Hen.VII. p. i. m. 16.
  6. Reg. Cantuar.
  7. Pat. 16 Hen.VII. p. 2. m. 13.
  8. Reg. Cantuar.
  9. Pat. 19 Hen.VII. p. 2. m. 14.
  10. Inter horas 3 et 4 ante meridiem apud S. Stevyns juxta civitatem Cantuariæ. Lib.Certif. in Offic. Armorum.
  11. ix Cal. Mar. 10. Pontif. Clemen
  12. Reg. Cranm. fol. 4. 5. Although he was nominated by the Pope, yet before he received consecration, he made a solemn protestation that he would not be bound by the oath which he was then about to make to the Pope from doing whatsoever in duty to God and the King he was bound to do. "Et(he continued), quod non intendo per hujusmodi juramentumaut juramenta, quovis modo me obligare, quo minus libera loqui, consulere consentire valeam, in omnibus et singulis, reformationem religionis Christianæ, reipublicæve commoditatein, quoquomodo concernentibus et ea ubique exequi et reformare, quae mibi in ecclesia Anglicana reformanda videbuntur."