of Chichester in 1722, but held the archdeaconry in commendam till his death, 22nd Aug. 7214.§
Samuel Lisle, S.T.P., 1st Sept. 1724[1]; made bishop of St. Asaph, but held the archdeaconry in commendam till 1748, when he was translated to Norwich.
John Head, collated 9th April 1748[2], and installed 75th April. He died 4th Dec. 1769.
William Backhouse, installed 13th Dec. 1769[3] and died 28th Sept. 1788.
John Lynch, 7th Nov. 1788[4]. He died in 1803.
Houstone Radcliffe, 19th May 1803[5], vice John Lynch.
Hugh Percy, 26th April 1822[6], vice Houstone Radcliffe, deceased.
James Croft, 18th June 1825, vice Hugh Percy, resigned[7].
This archdeaconry was founded and endowed by Order in Council, gazetted 4th June 1841[8].
William Rowe Lyall, 11th June 1841. Nominated to the deanery of Canterbury 26th Nov. 1845.
Benjamin Harrison, 6th Dec, 1845, vice Lyall, promoted to the deanery.
§ Proofreader note: One would presume that the year should read 1724.