He died 24th Sept. 1629, ætat. 60, and was buried in the cathedral.
John Jeffray, 26th Sept. 1629, vice John Sanford[1].
John Aucher was appointed by patent dated 9th July 1660, and died 12th March 1700-1, ætat. 82, and was buried in the cathedral.
Thomas Green, 17th March 1700-1[2]. Made bishop of Norwich in 1721.
Edward Wake, 6th Nov. 1721[3]. Ob. 7th Nov. 1732.
Edward William Wake, 20th Nov. 1732[4]. Ob. 11th Dec. 1738.
Samuel Stedman, 27th Dec. 1738. Died May 1768.
George Berkeley, 8th June 1768[5]. Ob. 13th Jan. 1795.
George Moore, l0th Feb. 1795[6]. Ob. 9th Dec. 1845, aged 75.
Hon. Lord Charles Thynne, 9th Dec. 1845, vice George Moore deceased.
Hugh Glazier, appointed by the charter of incorporation, 3rd April 1542.
John Butler, ob. 1569.
Ralph Caveler, 27th Jan. 1569-70, per mortem John Butler[7].
John Winter. The date of his admission has not been ascertained. He was buried 7th Jan. 1605-6.
William Barlow, admitted Jan. 1605-6; made bishop of Lincoln in 1608.
Benjamin Carrier, 29th June 1608[8].
John Simpson succeeded, but at what time has not been discovered. He died in 1630.