1) E A N S. 33
Simon it Beeisley, or Boeisly : , provided to this
deanery by the Pope, was installed by proxy lotli Dec.
1348, ami died in 1360 48 . -John* de Steetely, or Strethele, was possessed of
it Prid. Non. Jan. (4th Jan.) 1316. He died \\ Cal.
Sept. (18th Aug . , He held it in 1366' . Simon Caedinal, by the title of S. Sixtus, held this
deanery in 137a and [376 61 . John de Shi peye, LL.I)., chancellor of Lichfield, was
installed in 1388. Il<- died about the latter end of
1 41 1, or beginning of 141a 62 , and was buried in the
cathedral 63 . John Mackwoeth, LL.D., archdeacon of Dorset and
Norfolk 64 , succeeded in 141 -, and died in 1451'", and
was buried in the cath< dral'
Robeet Fleming was admitted to this dignity % 1st
Jan. 145 1 a. He died [2th Aug. 1483, and was buried in the cathi dial. His will was proved on the 23rd of the same month' .
George Fitz-Hugh was inducted by proxy 30th Oct. 14S3, and installed in person 3rd May i486. He died 20th Nov. 1505, and was buried in the cathedral. His will was proved 1 ith May 1506
Geoffrey Simeon was installed by proxy 1 6th March 1 505 6. He died 2 [st Aug. 1.508, and was buried in the Charter House, London. He is erroneously said to have been buried at Colerne in "Wilts, of which pa- rish he was rector.
��57 Browne "Willis thinks that he N. 47.
was removed from the deanery of - Reg. Xevil,Archiepisc. Ebor.
Lichfield to that of Lincoln. Reg. Bokingham et Repingdon
" ,s Reg. Ebor. Coll. Kennet, folio. Episcopor. Line.
59 Quaere Annum. Reg. Sud- 63 Ex Epitaphio.
bury Episc. Lond. Ob. Cantuar. 64 He was chancellor to prince
60 Reg. Cantuar. Henry, afterward Henry V.
61 Communes in parliamento 65 Reg. Repingdon et Lumley. inter alia regni gravamina que- 66 Ex Epitaphio.
runtur quod Cardinalis quidam 67 Coll. Featley, MS. p. 222.
Romanus decanatum Lincoln. 68 Reg. Savage, Archiepisc.
tenuit. Rot. Pari. 50 Edw. III. Ebor. Reg. Line.
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