��Richard Kentknsis is again so styled post annum
1214 - ,6 . K 1 (iNAi.i) held the office in 1217 Johx held it in 1221 and I22', s . William de Beningwoetb held it io 1 23 \'"' and 1 241. Hi ..11 dk Hoxi rou held it in [253, 1255, 1 263, 1264 1 . Nicholas dx Hun held the offipe viii OaL Sept. (-5th
Aug.) 1265a. John de LTndi l held the plaoe in 1272 '. William di Ki n sing was subdean in 1-7,5.
RlCHABD DE (ill 1 WES PO OPOOOOd "fit in 127N.
Richaed de 1. a Moee, S.T.I'., was possessed of it iii Id. Sept. (nth Sept.) 1280*. Be was also arch- deaoon of Linooln and Winchester. In the same year (1 280) oth No?, he was elected bishop of \\ inohester, and admitted by the King; but the election was de- clared void by the I '<>].< in 138a ,
(in hi i;r de Steatton died holding this office in 1293
IIinkv im Hi \ 1 \i.w .11; 1 11, LL.I)., was collated the Id.-s <f March 15th March] 1293-4, void by the death of Stratton?. He died in 1318, and wa> buried in the cathedraL
Peteb ih Mi nnn:v. LL.D., was collated xi Oal. Sept. (22nd Aug.) 1318, \<>id by the death of Henry de Beningworth 8 . His will was proved iii Id. Jun. (nth June) 13
Thomas de NTobthwode, S.T.P., archdeacon of SUw t was collated xviii Cal. Julii (14th June) 1328, void by the death of Peter de Medburn 9 . In the next year he ua> made treasurer.
��'"' MS. Cott.. Claudius. I). 4. f. 161.
Coll. R. Dodswortb, Vol lxiii. p. 79.
98 Coll. Kennet, folio.
99 Reg. Walt. Grey Archiepisc. Ebor.
1 Coll. Kennet, folio.
��-' Cott, Kennet, folio.
3 Ibid.
I' j.. l'eckham.
' Anu'l SaCT. pars; i. p.315.
' Id _'. Sutton.
<" Ibid.
8 Reg. Daldreby.
Reg. Uurghersh.
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