��IIobkht held this office in 1 170 s6 .
Geoffrey Plantagenet from this dignity was elected
bishop of this see in 1173 Pi 11 k, brother of Geoffrey, archbishop of York, held
this dignity about 1 190 ' 8 , and also in 1 202 Vl . Reymdnd was possessed of it in 1-05' William of Thobney or Toubnay, archdeacon of
Stoic, held it in 121 8. He was dean in 1223 6l . Robeet in'. Hayles, archdeacon of Huntingdon, pos- sessed it in 1223, and \i Gal. Jnnii (22nd May) 1225
He died in 1 238 Thomas Waj i i wsis held tin* dignity in 1238 64 . He
held it in 1247. ^ n '-4 s ne waa Ill;i( ' r hishop of St.
I )a\id"s' '. William Lupi - was removed from the archdeaconry
of Gloucester hither in 1248 66 . He was deprived in
i*55 67 -
Kohkkt i>k Hi iu l.v succeeded in the same year 1255 68 .
EIogeb de Fuldon held it in [258, 1265. and 1271 69 . Richabd de la Mobe, the subdean, possessed it in 1280.
��66 Mag. Rot. 16Hen.II.rot.10.
"" Chron. S. Petri, Glouc. R. de Dieet.
58 Prynn, vol. ii. p. 1044. Reg. S. Petri, Ebor. Cotton. Claudius, B. iii. f. 33. Coll. R. Dodsworthj vol. viii. p. 13S.
59 Pat. 4 Joh. p. 13.
6 *> MS. Cotton. Tiberius, E. v. fol. 85.
61 Coll. Kennet, folio.
62 Chron. Osen. MS. f. 154.
63 Chron. Dunstable. Rot. Grosthead.
04 Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. lib. i. p. 71.
65 Mat. Paris, sub anno, et Pat. 31 Hen. III. m.4.
66 Annal. Teokisbir.
67 Matt.Westm.
��68 Prynn. Col. vol. iii. p. 112.
' ,; ' " Ego Ricardus dictus Lu- pus frater bona 3 memoriae Ma- gistri WiUielmi dicti Lupi quon- dam archidiaconi Lincoln dedi magistro Rogero de Fuldon ar- chidiacono Lincoln domos meas in Lincoln quas dictus magister Willielmus emit et mihi in tes- tamento suo legavit," &c. (Reg.
Mag. Line. fol. 8.) " quod
nos executores testamenti bonae memoriae Magistri Rogeri de Fuldon quondam archidiaconi Lincoln dedimus Magistro "Wil- lielmo de la Gare nunc archidia- cono Lincoln domos quae fuerunt dicti archidiaconi in civitate Lin- coln."
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