Nicholas Bulling, mam, restored on the deprivation of Hodgson in 1559.
Joiix \ylmkr, A.M., archdeacon of Stoic, was installed 6th Nov. 1562 '->, on the resignation of bishop Bulling- liam. He was made bishop of London in 1577.
William Com., S.T.P., was installed :6th June 1577 10 . He resigned in 1580, and afterwards was dean of this cathedral.
John Robinson, archdearon of Jifdfurd, and precentor of this church, seems to have held the archdeaconry of Lincoln for a short time in 15S0.
Joh\ 15 aim- toot, S.T. P., was collated 21st Jan. 1 580-1, and installed by proxy 1st Apr. 158 1, per resign, ultimi incumbentis 11 . He died in August 1595. His will, dated 26th July 1595, was proved 28th Jan. 1595-6.
Richard Clayton, S.T.P., was collated 27th Aug., and installed 30th 1595, void by the death of J. Barefoot 13 . He died in June 1612, being master of St. John's college, Cambridge, and dean of Peter- borough.
John Hills, S.T.P., was collated and installed 21st Sept. 1612. He died in Sept. 1626, and was buried in the church of Horsheath in Cambridgeshire.
Mobgan Wynne, S.T.B., was collated 25th Nov., and installed 9th Dec. 1626". He died in 1644, and was buried at Scottcr in Lincolnshire.
Raphael Throckmorton", S.T. P., was collated in 1 645 ; but he enjoyed not the profits till after the restoration, when he was installed 1st July 1660 14 . He died 2nd Feb. 1666-7, and was buried in St. Andrew's, Holborn, London.
John Cawley, S.T. P., instituted 27th Feb. 1666-7, was installed 2nd March 1666-7 > y 1 ^ by the death of R. Throckmorton 15 .
��9 Reg. Line.
10 Ibid.
11 Coll. Featley, MS. p. 348.
�12 Reg. Line.
13 Ibid, is Ibid.
�14 Ibid.
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