The present members of the cathedral of Lincoln are the dean, precentor, chancellor, subdean, the arch- deacons of Lincoln, Stow, and Nottingham, fifty-two prebendaries and minor officers.
680 Li in lwin] or A 1 tin i.riM ' became bishop of Lin-
disse about the year 6S0. EadGAE 10 is supposed to have held it from 701 to
720. CYNEBEEHT 11 held the see from about 720 to 731. - \z Ai.oriion '-' is said to have held it from 732 to 750.
He died in 730 1 -*. 750 Aldi 1 11 ' ' or E \i>i 1.1 . was bishop from 750 to 765. 767 Ceoli 11. 1" seems to have been consecrated bishop of
this see in 767 and t< have died in 794 or 796. 796 Eaduulp 15 succeeded Ceoluulf and held the see in
803. Bbicthbed 1 ' Lb said to have made his profession of
obedience to the archbishop after the year H32 ; he
died circa 873, and was the last bishop of Lindisse or
��7 During a short period before it whs erected into an episcopal see, the province of Lindisse was annexed to the kingdom of Nor- thumbria, and Eathhed was ap- pointed as bishop there, but upon Lindisse being restored to Mercia it was again placed under the bishop of Lichfield, and Eathhed was expelled and be- came bishop of Ripon.
8 The see seems to have been called indifferently Sidnacester and Lindisse, its position has not been satisfactorily deter- mined but the situation of Stow,
��in the appearance of its church, and other circumstances con- nected with that place, seem to point it out as the ancient Sidnacester or Lindisse.
9 MS. Cott. Yesp. B. vi. and Tib. B. iv.
10 Ibid. 11 Ibid.
12 Ibid. Alowig.Tib. B.v. Called also Alwigh and Alwih.
12 * Sim. Dunelm.
13 MS. Cott. Yesp. B. vi. and Alowig. Tib. B. v.
" Ibid.
15 Ibid, end of Yesp. B. vi.
16 Malmes. Pont, et Flor.Wig.
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