John Skyftelinc;, 6th Jan. 1400-1, vice Kcntwode resigned i9 .
John' Malveene, S.T.P., 8th Jan. 1405-6, vice Skyfte- ling 60 .
James Cole, 12th June 1422, vice Malverne deceased 61 .
Fulk Bekmingham, 14th Nov. 1436-.
Gerard Hesil, 21st Oct. 1441 , vice Bermingham re- signed 1 .
William Bothe, 2nd Nov. 1443, v ' ce Hesil resigned 64 .
William Wytham, LL.D., July 1447, vice Bothe pro- moted to the see of Coventry and Lichfield'".
Edmund Bothe, 8th Nov. 1454, viceWytham resigned"".
William Saundek, 21st April 1456, vice Bothe de- ceased 6 ".
John Isaak, 20th Oct. 1472, vice Saunder deceased 68 .
William Lichfeld, LL.D., 7th Dec. 1485, vice Isaak resigned 69 .
William Knight, LL.D., 15th Dec. 151 7, vice Lich- feld deceased" .
Andrew Teact, 16th March 1542, vice Knight pro- moted to the see of Bath and Wells 71 .
William Meye or May, LL.D., 1st Nov. 1,545, vice Tracy deceased"-.
Cuthbert Scott, S.T.P., 26th April 1554, vice Meye resigned 73 .
John Feller, LL.D., 28th May 1558, vice Scott pro- moted to the see of Chester" 4 .
John Weale, S.T.B., 14th Dec. 1558, vice Fuller de- ceased 75 .
��59 Reg. Braybroke, f. 187. 67 Reg. Kempe, f. 40.
6 <> Reg. Walden, f. 2. et Pat. 68 ibid. f. 137.
7 Hen. IV. p. 1. m. 22. 69 Ibid. f. 206.
61 lb. P. Kempe, f. 1. 70 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 74.
62 Reg. Dec. et Cap. f. 162. 71 Reg. Bonner, f. 139.
63 Reg. Gilbert, f. 39. 72 Ibid. f. 153.
64 Ibid. f. 53. 73 ibid. f. 450.
65 Ibid. f. 73. 74 ibid. f. 475.
66 Reg. Kempe, f. 34. 75 Ibid. f. 478.
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