John de St. Paul.
David Wollobe, presented by the King 22nd Sept. 1349 : ; his appointment was ratified 28th June 135068.
John de Fbeton, 4th July 1370, vice "NVollore re- signed 1 , llf was also archdeacon of Norfolk.
John Dyssei obd 70 .
John Botlesham, 2ist May 1412, <>n the resignation nf I tysseford 71 .
John Bathe resigned this stall in 1433 7 -.
Stephen Wilton, 24th .July 1433, on tnc resignation of Bathe 73 . Ik- berainu archdeacon of Middlesex.
Alexandeb Altham, i 6th Aug. J450, on the resigna- tion of Wilton' '.
Rogeb Radclyff, 19th Juno 145N, on the resignation of Altham 7 5. He became dean of St. Paul's.
Richabd Mabtyn, B.I)., on the death of HadclyfF" 6 . I !< was also archdeacon of London.
Benedict Bird or Bubg, archdeacon of Colchester* ~ , succeeded Martyn 23rd Feb. 1472.
William Mobland, 18th June 1476. on the resigna- tion of Burd : \
Adrian de Castello, the Pope's collector, 10th May 1492 70 .
Peter Car. mi: max is resigned this stall in 1526.
William Bennet, LL.D., 26th Nov. 1526, on the re- signation of Carmelianus B0 .
Hugh Baker, A.M., 5th Oct. 1533, on the death of Bennet B1 .
John Keale, 30th Sept. 1536, on the death of Baker 82 .
��67 Pat. 23 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 30. 67 Reg. Kempe, f. 128.
68 Pat. 22 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 27. " Ibid. f. 133. fi 9 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 3. 78 ibid. f. 156.
Reg. Dec. et Capit. f. 26. 7 Reg. Hill, f. 6.
71 Ibid. 72 Ibid. 80 Reg. Tunstall, f. 16.
73 Reg. Walden. 81 Reg. Stokesley, f. 20.
74 Reg. Kempe, f. 77. 82 Ibid. f. 32.
75 Ibid. f. 57.
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