John Hodgekyns, or Hodki nni . or Hodgkinns, was
i stored on the accession of queen Elizabeth. Humphbet Alcockson, A.M., 7 1 1 1 July 1560, on the
death of I fodg< k\ as David K km it., collated 14th April 1561, on the death of
Ali'i),-k<(iM '. He was also archdeacon of St. A 1 ban's. Anthony Cob w<> or Coaao op Si \ ti 1 k. S.T.P., 29th
Man-li 1582, on the death of Kempe . He died 30th
March I59I.
(ii obge Dickin8, A.M., 2nd April [591, <>n the death of ( lorano ' .
Robebt Temple, S.T.B., [9th March 1593, on the <1< ath of Dickina
Thou w Mni \ 11 ob 1 . or Mm \ 1 hi; r, or Mm \ 1 1 obth, 8.T.P., :4th Much 1596, mi the resignation of Tem- ple He died -~th Feb. 1631 1, and was buried at Ten ing in I [ertfordshire.
ESDWABD LaYFIELD, A.M., 2nd March [632, <>n the death of Mountfori
John W i lls, S.T.P., 22nd Sept. [680, on the death of
Layfield' .
Benjamin Calamy, S.T.P.j 8th June [685, on the
death of Wells". ZACHEU8 1>ii\m, S.T.H.. _Sth .Jan. [6856, OH tho
death ofCaJanvj . Thomas Pei< b, 4th Nov. 1 707 ' , (i BOBGE 1)1 1.1 , 4th June 1 7 14.
Ili1.11 \W\t. 12th A ult- [734, vice George Bell 6 *. Job] ; 11 Job i 1 \, nth March 1762, vice Wyat 66 . Peteb Stephen Goduahd, 23rd Sept. 1770, vice
Jortin ".
Josepb Whaeton, [ i th Jan. 1782, vice Goddard 6 *.
R _ GrindalL f. 115. w Re^. Campton, f. 63.
- ' 4 [bid. f. 120. [bid. f. 85.
" [bid. f. 204. [bid. f. 86.
56 Ibid. f. 2.-,4. O Bishops' Certificates.
Il.id. f. a8a. [bid. M Ibid.
- 8 Reg.Whitgift, pan ii. f. 28a " Ibid. '" Ibid.
R eg. Laud, f. 71. w [bid.
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