John Brereton 5th Aug. 1530, on the death of Bele ' .
Nicolas Wilson, S.T.P., 14th Dec. 1542, on the death of Brereton '.
W'ii.i 1 am Clyff, LL.D.,nth June 1548, on the death of Wilson. lie was arohdeacoD of Loudon in 1529.
Hugh Evans, collated 14th Dec. 1558, on the death of Clyff*'- He became dean of St. Asaph in 1560.
Joux Duffield, S.T.B., ult. Feb. 1578-9,011 the re- signation of Evans ' .
Henry Hamond, A.M., 13th Oct. 1585".
George Dick ins, A.M., nth Dec. 1585, on the resig- nation of Hainond
William Hutchinson, S.T.B., 10th April 1591 70 . Ho was archdeacon of St. Albans in 1581.
John Simpson. A.M.. 22nd Feb. 1604-5, on tnc resig- nation of Hutchinson.
Rouert Cottesford, A.M., i 2th Sept . 1 633, on the death of Simpson"'-. He died before the Restoration.
Thomas Holbech, S.T.P., 23rd Aug. 1660" 3 , on the death of Cottesford. He died master of Emanuel College, Cambridge.
Thomas Beaumont, A.M., 13th Nov. 168 1" 4 .
John Gohier, 2nd Feb. 1710-iP'.
Christopher Baynes, 15th Aug. 17 13 : ".
Francis Astry, 7th Nov. 1718".
James Waller, 12th Nov. 1766^.
Townsend Andrews, 22nd May 177 1, vice Waller 79.
Edward Copleston, 12th June 1812, vice Townsend Andrews 80 .
��g 3 Reg. Stokesley, f. 5. 71 Reg. Bancroft, f. 68.
64 Reg. Bonner, f. 142. ~ 2 Reg. Laud, f. 74.
65 Ibid. f. 162. 73 ibid. f. 130.
66 Ibid. f. 479. 74 R e g_ Compton, f. 64.
67 Reg. Grindal, f. 197. 75 Bishops' Certificates. 1
6 8 Ibid. f. 222. 76 ibid. 77 ibid
69 Ibid. f. 224. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid.
70 Ibid. f. 255. 80 Ibid.
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