4-08 LONDON.
John Boubchieb <>r Bowses, 15th Nov. 149,5. on *'"'
death of Wodde* . John Hill, LL.B., 13rd Nov. 1495, on the death of
Bowser" 1 . John Wythees died possessed of this prebend id
1 534' John Spenolove, 2i y th Sept. 1534, on the death of
William W] llyfi d, 14th Oct. 1534, on the resigna- tion of Spendlov*
Thomas Bedyll, 17th Deo. i;,i4. on the resignation of WeUyfed?*. Eie was archdeacon of London in
William Wellyfed, 22nd Dec. 1534, on 1 1 1 * - resigna- tion of Bedyll
G-ABBii 1. Di \\i . A.M.. 16th March [540-41, on the resignation of W < 11\ fed ".
John Habpsfeld, S.T.P., 10th Dee. 1558, on the (hath of Dunne 78 . He was archdeacon of London in
'5. r i4- John Pilkikgton, \.M.. 10th Feb. 155960, on the
deprivation of Harpesfeld '. Ob. 16th Sept. 1581,
and buried in Durham cathedra]. John Ebden, archdeacon of Durham, 13th Nov. 1562,
on the resignation of Pilkington John Ebden, A.M., 9th July 159^. on the resignation
of Ebden 81 . Leon Cham hi bs, s .T.1>.. 22nd March 1597-8, on the
death of Ebden Samuel Habsnet, A.M., 5th Aug. 1598, on the death
of Chambers 9 '.
��" Reg. Kempe, f. 15a. " Reg. Bonner, f. 135.
"l Reg. Hill. f. 18. : ~ Had. f. 478.
"- Reg. Stokesley, f. 24. "' Reg. (irindal, f. 112.
n ibid. -" H'id. f. 127.
74 ibid. si Reg. Whhgift, pars i. 277.
"' [bid. f. 2-. s 2 Reg. Grindal, f. 300.
76 Ibid. 83 Ibid. f. 306.
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