Richard Talebot or Talkuoth : he was successive!} treasurer and dean of this church.
W'ai.ti.h Ch lSEHUSE oi' Chani i:iii s held this stall ii Id. Maii (14th) 1253 98 .
Pe [lip ni. Eii \.
John hi. Chishi ii., archdeacon of Colchester.
William de Meleford, archdeacon of Colchester.
Robert de Strati ob d, vi Id. < tot. ( 10th) 1336". I [e was archdeacon of Canterbury, and bishop oi' Chi- chester in 1 J . ",. and died nth April 1 (62.
Richard de V.\ nteworth, presented Non. Deo. (5th) [337 1 . He became bishop of this see in [338.
Wi 1.1.1 \ m in Hi 1.1 -ni .
P \n. 01 Monti lor^ .
Simon [slip: the King gave it him 20th Jan. 1,547 8 . I!' 1 was archdeacon of Canterbury in 1J45. and arch- bishop of < 'anterbury in 1 149.
Nicholas de Heth resigned this -tail in 1362.
William Wi m u. 19th Feb. 13623, <>n the resigna- tion <>!' Heth '.
Henry de Snayth, 12th Dec. 1364, on the resigna- tion of Wyvell . > Thomas de Horton: hi- appointment was ratified by 7\ the King Mh April 1382 6 . v/ Thomas de Evere : he was dean of this cathedral in
John Ethi mum. 16th Oct. 1400, on the death of
Evere'. He was precentor here in 1394. Edmund Tebbot, 26th Feb. 14)7-8,011 the resignation j(\ of Ethenham 8 . Walti :; Shyryngton, 1st June 1440, on the resigna- tion of Tebbot .
��- IVx II. Reg. Sudbury, f. 35.
* Reg. Baudake, f. 98. 6 p at . - Rj c . jj. p< ' 2 . m . ,
1 Ibid. f. io;,. ' R<_r. l'.ravbroke, f. [84.
2 Pat.22Ed\v. III. p. 3. m. 10. * Reg. Gilbert, f.5. s Reg. Sudbury, f. 22. Ibid. f. 30.
1 Ibid.
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