of Colet- 1 . He was treasurer of this church in 1516.
Jon\ A hams, S.T.P., 21st Jan. 1 520-21, on the death of Hedde*a.
Robert Hi deley, S.T.P., 21st March 1523-4, on tho death of Adams 23 .
John* Tunstall, collated 3rd April 1-327. on the re- signation >(' Rydeley 9 '.
Thomas Barrett, I.L.I), 1 2th Dec. 1534. on the re- signation of Tun-tall
\\ 1 1. 1.1 am Dabby8hibe, 2'itli April 1544, on the death of Barretl
Edmund West, A.M., 24th Aug. 1551. on the death of I larbyshire ".
Rob] 1:1 C01 si \. A.M.. 26th May 1554, <n tilt' death
of Weal 9 . ll>- was treasurer of this cathedral in
I558. John Veeon, 8th Nov. 1,559, on the deprivation of
Cousj 11 '. I [e died 1 si Sept. \ ~/> ;.
Robert Cbowley, \<t Sept. 1563, on the death of Veron . He died 18th June 1588.
William Palmeb, A.M., 24th Sept. 1565, f >n tin- de- privation of ( irowlej
John Walker, S.T.D., 14th AiiL r . 1 "74, f >n the resig- nation of Palmer 39 . He was archdeacon of Essex in
'. r >7'- Thomas White, S.T.P., 12th Deo. 1588, on the death
of Walker", lie died 1 -t March 1623-4, and was
buried in the church of St. Dunstan's in the West.
Thomas \\A \\n ik, S.T.P. : he resigned in 1642 on
��- 1 Reij. Fitz-James, f. 79. 2 s Reg. Bonner, f. 4.-2.
-' Ibid. f. 80. 29 Ibid. f. 4S3.
��-* Re-/. Tunstall, f. 5. 3 Reg. Grindal, f. 131.
24 Ibid. f. 19. " Ibid. f. 139.
2* Reg. Stokesley. f. 25. Ibid. f. 176.
2fi Reg. Bonner, f. 147. " Ibid. f. 241. -'" Ibid, f.312.
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