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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/161

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P R E B E N D A R I E S. 431

Robert Frost, B.D., 21st Nov. 1499, vice Vaughan

resigned'". Charles Both or Boothe resigned this stall on his

promotion to the see of Hereford, in 1516. Rod 1; Norton, presented 2nd Dec. 1516, vice Boothe,

promoted to the see of Hereford 61 . John; Allen, LL.D., 12th Jan. 1526-7, vice Norton

resigned 63 . He was consecrated archbishop of Dublin

13th March 1528 9. John Bell, D.D., 27th Sept. 1528, vice Allen, pro- moted to the archbishopric of Dublin 63 , He became

bishop of Worcester. Edward Sepham died possessed of this stall in 1554. Henry Pendilton, S.T.P., nth April 1554, vice

Sepham deceased Robert Willanton, A.M., 10th Feb. 15578, vice

Pendilton deceased ' . Mic 11 \i 1. Reniger or Rhanger, S.T.P., archdeacon

of Winchester^ 7th July 1583 66 . Ob. 26th Aug. 1609,

setat. 89. Leonard Huttox, S.T.P., 1st Oct. 1609, vice Reniger

deceased 6 ?. Ob. 17th May 1632. John Tolson, S.T.P., 12th June 1632 68 . Benjamin Stone, A.M., 5th March 1638-9 69 . De- prived in 1642; reinstalled on the Restoration in 1660. Richard Owen, S.T.P., 16th Aug. 1660" . William Bell, S.T.B., 20th March 16656, vice

Stone deceased" 1 . He was archdeacon of St. Albans

in 167 1. Ambrose Atfield, S.T.P., 28th Aug. 16S3, vice Bell


��60 Reg. Hill, f. 35. 6 " Reg. Bancroft, f. 127.

61 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 71. 68 R e g. Laud, f. 96.

6 2 Reg. Tunstall, f. 17. 69 ibid. f. 99. < Ibid. f. 25. "0 Ibid. f. 127.

64 Reg. Bonner, f. 450. "' Reg. Henchman, f. 117.

6; > Ibid. f. 474. " 2 Reg. Compton, f. 77. 66 Reg. Grindal, f. 210.

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