4:34 LONDON.
Thomas Dankt, presented 22nd Nov. 1418. vice Ware promoted to the see of Chichester 1 .
Thomas Lisieux resigned this stall in 1452. Ho was dean of this cathedral in 1441.
Jniix Sutton, A.M., 9th April 1452, rice Lisieux re- signed .
Thomas Jan. I). I)., 8th March 1479-K0, vice Sutton deceased He was archdeacon <>i" Essex in 14S0.
Olives King, LL.B., 2nd May [487, on the <. ssion of Jan '. Hi.- was made bishop of Ex< ter in 141/ |.
John Moegan, L L. I >.. 5th Feb. 1492-3, vice King pro- moted to the Bee <>f Exeter 5 . He resigned this pre- bend "ii being made bishop of St. David*a in 149/).
I'ii ik 1.1 Penee, LL.D., (istOct. [496, vice Morgan resigned 6 .
Thomas Rahoolp, ierl Jan. 1499 1500, vioe le Pener deceased 7 .
Thomas Hi \\i i. I.L.I). 19th Oct. 1 5 : 1 , vie Kaiidolt'
deceased 8 . He was treasurer of this cathedral in 1521. Teisteamus Swaodli was deprived of this stall in 1560.
Thomas C'oi 1 . A.M.. ~th Dec. 1560, vice Swaddle de- prived 9 . He was archdeacon of Essex in 1561.
Hobeet AvTSj A.M.. (.ytli Aug. 157 1 , vice Cole de- ceased Ul .
William Goddi i. collated 14th July 1 5 <s 1 , vice Avya deceased ".
ZaCHAEIAH (riiiiiii 1., 21st Oct. 1590, vice William
Goddel resigned !J . Matthew Smallwoou, S.T.P.,6th Dec 1660, vice God- del d( ceased 13 . He became dean of Lichfield in 1671.
1 Reg. Dec. et Cap. 8 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 81.
- Reg. Kempe. f. 16, 9 Reg. Grindal, f. 118.
a Ibid. f. 178. 10 Ibid. f. 163.
1 Ibid, t.212. Ibid. f. 202.
Reg. Hill, f. 9. Ibid. f. 2.51.
fi Ibid. f. 21. I3 Rep. Henchman, f. 8.
- Ibid. f. 35.
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