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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/166

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Reginald de Brandon was canon here in 1 2 7 9 - -

iik1 1305.

John de Dittos was canon here in 1310 E and 1326.

Alan Hotham; his appointment was ratified by the King [}th Oct. [331 He waa residentiary here in

July 1 529 , and Btagiary 6th Nov. 1 ,.. . He w is living in 1 3 ",o, lor his will bears date in that year.

Thomas Bbembebj the King gave him this prebend [8th .Inn.' 1 354

s William Tybington ; the King ( him tin- prebend

28th Oct. 1 ;/)!' '. ^ Richabd Cot 1; 1 1 \\i. collated 24th .July j , /y4< rice

Tyrington resigned ; . He was promoted to the bi-

Bhopric of Norwich in 141 ;. Nicholas Colnet died possessed of this prebend in

14:0. N01101 \- RtllysdoNj 1. 1.. I)., 29th Nov. 1420. vice

( lolnef deceased. Richabd Wetwange, 15 I >.. ;th June 1 44 > . vice

l'>\ llysdon d< ceased .Ion\ SendalLj ih Nov. 14;,;,. vice Wetwange re-


William Radcliffe, LL.I>., 30th Aug. 1 43 4 , vice

SendaU resigrn .1 James Goldwell, LL.D., 16th Oct. 14",^. vice Bad-

oline dect asi d ,8 . John Weston, [6th May [459 . William l'mi ma\, I.l..h.. i< - _n.<l this prebend in

[466. Hk 11 \k n Bigod, collated 26th < >ct. 1466, \\'-u Poteman

r signed

��Cart, i 'rig. ' M Reg. Braybroke, f. 1 23.

bid. Reg. Gilbert, f. 36.

r jEdw. III. p. 2. i: _ K mpe, f. 28.

so Lib. A. f. 83. " [bid. f. 33.

si Pvx II [bid. f. 59.

WPat. 28 Edw. [II.p.i.m.13. Ibid. f. 65.

Pat. 33 Edw. III. p. 3. 40 Ibid. f. 102.

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