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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/169

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P R E B E N D A R I E S. 439

Geoffrey, son of the dean.

John' Mansell or Manshai.l; he was also chancellor

of this cathedra] in 1243. Richard de Gravesend ; he became bishop of this

see in 1280.


James of Spain (Hispania or Ispania) was canon here circa 1303.

Odakd de Monte Martino; the King presented him 14th June 1303 7 ".

Jonx DE Offord or UFFORD was canon hero xvi OaJ. Nov. (17th Oct.) 133 1. He became archbishop of Canterbury in 1348.

John- DE BanKTREE ; the King gave him this prebend 14th Sept. 1361" 1 .

WlLLIAM DE Wvkihia.m ; he resigned this prebend in 1362.

John de Blebury, xi Kal. Jan. (22nd Dec.) 1362, vice Wykeham resigned"-.

William de Wykeham, admitted vii Kal. Maii (25th April) 1363, vice Blebury resigned"'.

John de Flamsted, died possessed of this prebend in 1364.

John, son of Robert Thebaud, xvii Kal. Jan. (16th Dec.) 1364, vice Flamsted deceased 7 '.

William Dighton was ratified in this prebend by the /\ King in 1386.

John Carp, 7th May 1391, vice Dighton deceased 75 . j, Reginald Kentwode, 25th Dec. 1400, vice Carp de- ceased" 6 . He became dean of this church in 1422.

Thomas Wodford, 9th Oct. 1441, vice Kentwode de- ceased" 7 .

��"0 Pat. 31 Edw. I. 37 Edw. III. p. 1. 71 Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 3. '" 4 Reg. Sudbury, f. 36.

'"2 Reg. Sudbury, f. 21. et Pat. '"5 R e g. Braybroke, f. 85. 36 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 29. 76 Ibid. f. 187.

73 Reg. Sudbury, f. 25. et Pat. 77 Reg. Gilbert, f. 40.

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