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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/172

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Pascasius deBoloigni ; the King ratified his appoint- ment i -+tli Feb. i ;6o '".

Thomas de Kiyni s. collated si Kal. Nov. ( 27th Oct.) 1361".

Alexandeb Sin mo or de Sooth, Non. Oct. (7th) 1 |66, \ ice Kej di bb 1 d ' : .

I < 1 1 1 n Berk ing. y William Sondi r, LL.D., 1 7 1 1 1 Aug. 1390 18 .

Tumi \.a Wi BTON, 9th I >'t. I {0 j ' '. yTJiiiiN Danhv. 26th June 1397, vice Weston resigned 15 .

John Hildyard, i ;th May 1400"'.

Hi i sard Clu 1 ORD, presented 1 4th .Jan. [4089, vice Elildyard deceased 1 ?. He was archdeacon of Middle- sex in 1 4 1 8.

Thomas Wai bi ki , 4th June 14.10^.

1. 1 1 isHoLi 01 e or Had oi 1 . A.M., 23rd March 1447,-6, \ ice Walben r< i n< ! '.

]{i< n \ 1: 11 Che81 1 a, 9th March i44S-i y , rice Holcote re- signed .

John Wardali held this prebend at his death in 14.7-.

A\ [imam Wodecock, 5th Ma} [472, vice Wardale de- - I .

John Bailt, 12t.l1 March [487 \ \i< Wodecock de- ceast '1 .

Richard Drapi a, LL.D., 16th April 1495, vice Baily deceased

William Fitzherberd or Herbert, D.I)., j 6th June 1498, vice Draper resigned 24 .

John Dow man. LL.D., 20th April 1514, vice Fitzher- berd d 1 .

"' Pat. 35 Edw. [II.p.i.m.23. Reg. Wald. P. Cliff, f. 13.

" Reg. Sudbury, f. 8. ' Reg. Dec. et C p. f. 43.

'- Ibid. f. 46. B j. Gilbert, f.67.

13 Reg. Braybroke, f. 80. - Ibid. f. 212.

14 Ibid. f. 117. it Pat. 17 Ric. '-' Reg. Kempe, f. 134. [I. p. 1. in. 11. - [bid. f. 216.

16 Reg. Braybroke, f. 153. a Reg. Bill, f. 16.

16 Ibid. f. [8a. See also Pat. Ibid. f. 27. 1 lien. [V. p. 1. 111. 4. Reg. Fitz-James, f. ,-1

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