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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/176

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Gilbert Wyki b, collated 7th Sept. 1538, vice Ligham

decease d' Hi wri Coi 1 , I I..I >.. 22nd March 1541 2, vioe Wykea

deceased 6 ?. He was dean of London in 1/06. W 11 1 1 am May died poss Bsed of this stall in 15^0.

1 [e wa dean 1 546, and again in 1 ; ~ John Pdlleyne, S.T.B., an f( olchester, 1 1\\\

S pt. i "/> I . vice .May dec John Hi i i ikghah, A.M.. 31 si Aug. 1565, vice Pullen

d I He became bishop of Bristol and Glou-

beet Toweb or Towers, S.T.B., 1 1 1 June i,",;i. vice Bullingham resigned

Hi m\ HamonDj collate 1 i |th Nov. 1585, vice Tower deceased "'.

John Leese, A.M , 12th Aug. 15921 vice rlamond <1 c used

Griffin <>r Griffith Vaughan, A.M., 30th Aug. 1605, vice L ised

Sami 1 1 Fell, A M.. 29th Jan. 161 2 1 {, vice Vaughan d< c . i [e became dean of Lichfield, and after-

wards dean of Christchuroh. Ob. 1st Feb. 16489.

Brian Walton, S.T.P., 14th Aug. 166 He be-

came bishop of Chester in Dee. 1 660. Ob. 29th Nov. [661.

Georgi Stradling, A.M., [9th Dec. 1 660, vice Wal- ton, promoted to th of Chester? 6 . ll<- <liM in April 1688.

Francis Hawkins, S.T.P., 3rd Dec. 1 688, vice Strad- ling dec* a d

Rogeb Aiiiiwi, 4th March 1698-9 78 .

��i; _. Sti ' \ . f. 39. Bancroft, f. 70.

Reg. Bonner, f. 1. " 4 Ibid. f. 170.

88 Reg. Grindal, f. 122. " R _ Land, f. 127.

68 [bid. f. 137. Reg. Henchman, f. 9.

r " Ibid. f. 161. " Reg. Dec. et Cap. f. 211.

71 Ibid. f. 223. "" Bishops' Certificates. "- Ibid. f. 2(> : .

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