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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/178

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Wll l.l.\ \l i>k Chadleshunt.

Kj.i.i \ \i u or Sancto Ai.iiami; he was archdeacon of

London in i 309. WALT] B R I GINALDl Or Hi YNOLDS. 1 1 < liir;tnic li>lmp

of Worcester, and subsequently archbishop of Can- terbury.


John Walwyn bad this prebend given him by the

King 3rd and 8th N01 . 1 ; Thom \.8 in B01 rgh resigned this prebend in [330. Roberi Di I v 1 do] sw] 1 l, J.C.P., \\iii Kal. Jan. (15th

Dec.) 1330, vice Bourgfa resigned 87 . He was arch-

d< aeon of M iddl< w 1 in 1 John in G \ni 3D] n was canon here isi An.'. [342. Ri< 11 \ 1: i) hi (in - 1 1 ici 1 1 i. collated \ i Sal. Oct. (26th

Sept.) 1361 s *. The King presented him by letters

patent dated 14th Sept. 163 1

RlCHAED NoBTHW] i i . w ii K.il. A.Ug. ( [6th .Inly) I 365,

\ ice < Ihesterfeld resigned Robi 1 1 \N w 1 ndon resign* d this prebend in 13 Robebi Whitteby, aist Feb. [393 4. vice Wavendon

resign* d ".

y Job n Kim b . 8th N<>\ . 1417

William Kynmelmebsh, 20th June 1421

John Snell, archd ' I Ion, pr sented 27th Aug.

1426 s4 . John Stoki b, LL.D., 25th Jan. 1430-1, rice Snell re-

sigii'il A d \m MolenSj Molins, or Moleins, LL.D., 26th

July 1440. vice Stokes resigned Nu boi..\> I ' i'tiin, LL.l).. icth April 1443, rice Molens

resign* <\ ' .

""' Pat. \2 Bdw. II. p. 1. in. 20. -' 1 . it Cap. f. 4 s .

Reg. Baudake, f.75. Ibid. f. 83.

  • Reg. Sudbury, f. 5. ; ' 4 Reg. <in v. f. 3.

89 Pat. 35 Bdw. III. p. 3. [bid. f. .

90 Ru r . Sudbury, f. 40. * Reg. Gilbert, f. 31. 9' Reg. Braybroke, f. 120. [bid. I 49.


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