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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/180

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A inn r h Bright, S.T.P., zmd Oct. 1.59-. vice Ifut-

chinson ' '. William Pi [bse. ll< became bishop <>t' Peterborough

in [630.

Robi 1; r Thompson, M.A., presented bj the K iii^r is< Nov. 1630, installed i^th April [631, vice Peirse, pro- moted to the see of P< b rborough

Thomas Lant, S.T.B., 22nd Sept [66a, vice Thomp- son deceased

John Pi i i 1 vn, A.M.. 2isi Jan. 1 688 oA?.

Thom - Sni 1; 1 ock, 2nd June [/ 13 18 .

(i 1 hi,,. 1 i,.w [ngton, 2nd Nov. 1731 .

John Hums, ; th March 1748, vice Lavington 90 .

Frederick Cornwallib, 8th Nov. 1760, vioe Hume, promoted t<> Salisbury

Johd Egi bton, bishop of Bangor, 20th Oct. 17681 rice ( lornwallis promoted to Lichfield

.I(pii\ (ii:i i \. bishop of Lincoln, 3 isl July 1771. vice John Egerton, bishop of B Ob. 25th April

<; 1

.lon\ Jeffreys, :oth Ma\ i~~ i /. rice John Green, bishop of Lincoln . Ob. 20th Nov. 17 A

Rydeb Weston, 6th Deo. 1798, vioe Jeffreys

Frederick William Blombeeg, 25th Jan. 1822, vice Samuel Ryder Weston

Thom \.s J m ebon, appointed in 1850.


Hi i 11, 1 d or l Am i.

Hugh, son of Generun.

Henry Banastj h ; he was treasurer in 1 162.

1 1 E N It Y .

��>-> Reg. Grindalj f. 151. -- Bishope' Cer(

Reg. Laud. f. 57. ' - [bid. -> Ibid.

Keg. Henchman, f. 35. - Ibid. Ibid.

17 Reg. Compton, f. 106. - r Or Willesdon Green, 01

" Bishops' Certifical Wilesdon, alias Bowbiesee vel

19 [bid. -" Ibid. '- Ibid. Boun-

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