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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/182

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Kk 'iiAitn Rawlens, S.T.P., ;th Sept. 1499, vice Wot |i \ deceased l8 .

W II. MAM 1\\ l I NSON.

John Tunstall, 17th April 1525, vice Patenson de- ceased 39 .

Peteb Wylbebfosbe, 15.1).. 3rd A jjril i^y;. vice Tunstall di 1 '".

l'i 111; LlGHAM, D.I).. [5th July i .", ) ], rice WAHht-

fosse deceased ". William Saxky, LL.B., zotfa A.ug. 153$, vice Ligham

resigned ' '. He waa treasurer in ij William Ghavi ft, A.M., 28th July 1 567, vice Saxej

deceased . John Dim . S.T.I'.. 5th M.-uvh 1598 9, vice Gravetl

deceasi d ' '. Hi ntsi M Lson Bucceeded to this -tall aboui [6] Sami 1 1 Hoard, S.T.B., 29th Marob 1637 Robebi Post, S.T.B., archdeacon of Middlesex, 16th

. \ 1 1 lt . 1 56 . i ice I [card deceased Thom u Grigg, S.T.B., i-t Deo. i6( 1 Thomas Cook, S.T.P., anl,,/, ./,,,, of Middlesex, 29th

S |'t. [670, vice Grigg deceased 48 . Robert Groi 1 . STB., 6th Oct. 1679, vice Cooke de- ceased ' '. Stephen Bordi i r, A.M.. 3rd Oct. 1 69 1 , vice Grove

promoted to the see of ( Ihester Roc.i 1 Ai 111 am. A.M., 30th Aug. 1695, vice Bordley

deceasi d '.

��38 Reg. Hill. f. 33. < Beg. Laud, f. 94.

Reg. Tunstall, f. n. *' [bid. f. 127.

4 " Ibid. f. 19. ->" Reg. Henchman, f. 144.

' Reg. Stokesley, f. 18. [bid. f. ;,o.

Ibid. f. 19. Reg. Compton, f. 58.

Reg. Grindal, f. 143. ^ Reg. Dec. et Cap. f. 23-.

M Ibid. f. 316. r ' 1 Reg. Compton, f. 134.

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