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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/190

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��T200 John Grey, archdeacon of Gloucester, was consecrated 2 Job. bishop of Norwich 24th Sept. 1200 ,J , and elected to the see of Canterbury in 1206' 1 ; but the Pope an- nulled the flection. He died 18th Oct. 1214 05 .

Betwem fh death of John Grey and th consecrati of his successor nearly ight years > lapsed .

1222 V win 1. en "" was elected in 1218, but he was not con- 6Hen.lll. secreted till 29th May 1222, and the ceremony was then performed at Rome . He died 1 6th Aug. '1226 and was buried in Norwich cathedral 61 . Thom is de I i 1 1 w 1 n 1 ' "l- Ui.i \Di nii.i.i: was elected

by the prior and convent of .Norwich in the room of bishop Pandulph 63 . If- obtained the royal assent to his election 5th Nov, i226 64 ,and was consecrated 20th Dec. following He died 16th Aug. (xvii Kal. Sept.) 1 : ;V . On 22nd Aug., six day- after fch< decease of bishop Blunville, the prior and convent of Norwich had lie. nse t<> el, r{ a bishop in his room 68 .

��1 2:6 11 11. in

��Ymag. II

M Pat. 7 .loli. m. 1. el R

Cant, p. 2-,.

55 The custody of tliis bishopric was granted to Ranuph de War- ham, a monk of Norwich, r ,- tli Nov. 1 2 14. Pat. [6 Job.. 111. 11.

M Johannes rex &c. priori et conventoi Norwic., Balutem: Sci- atis quod ratum habemus et turn quod feceritia de eligendo vobis episcopo perconcilinm ve- nerabilium patrum nostrornm S. Ezon. W. Wigorn. episcoporuin et dilecti nostri magistri Petri Rnssinol pnecentoris Eborum, secundum mandatum domini Papa?. 1 S.Jul. Pat. 17. 1 oh. m.19. ,: Ciacono N" it . Pont, et Card. torn. i. col. 11 11. ed. Rom. 1^77.

58 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 410.

59 1226 Pandulphus episcopue Norwic. obiit in Italia xvii Cal. Sept. (Contin. Flor. Wigorn.)

��in. Norwic, MS. ( lott. N ('. .-, wi ( !al. < at. [i6tb


Matt. Westm. it Annal. Margan. 111 Weever's Fun. Mon. 869. 63 He had a grant of the cus- of the bishopric of Norwich 24th Oct. 1224. (Pat. 8 Hen. III. m. 1.) 3 ami the conge* d'elire by which he was elected is dated 27th Oct.

Lett.inTmr. Loud. X n .,-;o4. M Pat. 11 Hen. III. m. 13. 65 Dominica prima ante Na- tivitatem. Matt. Paris.) Tho- de Blunvile consecratus xii Cal. Januar. (21st Dec.) 1226. Continual. Flor. Wigorn. Matt. Westm. ad ann. '" : Matt. Paris.. Matt. Westm., et Contin. Flor. Wigorn. e 8 Pat. 20 Hen. III. m. 4.

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