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��assent 9th Feb.; 81 the temporalities were restored to him 1 7 1 Ii March 8a , and he was consecrated at Canter- bury, by Ottobone the Pope's legate, 19th Sept. fol- lowing 83 , lie died at South Elmham 22ml Jan. 1277 8 84 , and was buried in Norwich cathedral 85 . The conge dYlir 1 bishop Roger, is dated nth

Feb. 1 2778 86 j and 1278 William de Miudleton, archdeacon of Canterbury, 6 Edw. I. was chosen by the chapter of Norwich as their bi- shop 24th Feb. 1277 8 87 , and received the royal assent 6th March 88 , and the temporalities <>n the j6th of thai month 89 . His consecration took place 9th May, and he was enthroned 27th Nov. follow- ing 90 . Id' died [si Sept. 1288, and was buried in his own cathedral. 1289 Ralph di Walpole, at m of Ely, was elected

17 Edw. I. 1 1 tli Nov. [288, and confirmed by the archbishop 1 si Feb. 1288 9 91 . He had the temporalis ored to

him on the 7 1 h of thai month 93 , and was consecrated at Canterbury on Midlent Sunday, 20th March, in the same year He was translated to Ely 15th July 1 299'". 1299 Jon\ Salmon . prior of Ely, was appointed to this 17 Edw. 1. see by papal hull of provision, dated 15th duly 1 29 ) ; and confirmed by the archbishop 3rd Oct. 96 ; the temporalities were restored to him on the 19th of the

��81 Pat. 50 Hen. III. m. . - [bid. m. 23. AngliaS ra, pan i. p. 411.

~ 4 Rogerua episcopus Norwic. die Sancti Vincentii Martyr- pud Suthelmam manerium BUtun obiit. Sepultusque 1 st apud Nor- wicum in Octavis S. Agnetis, ctri successit magister Willielmu- de Middletone arcbidiaconus Can- tuar. die Sancti Matbise electus. Coutin. Flor. Wigorn.

85 < )bituar. Norwic.

��- I Iw. I. m.-M. ~ : Lett in Turr. Lond. N. 1210.

- Pat. 6 Edw. I. m. 20.

- [bid.

"' ( limn. brev. Norwic.
" Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 89.

'- Pat. 17 Edw. I. m. ai. ' MS. Lambeth. Vol.i. p. 332. 95 Alias Saleman, alias De Meire.

Reg. Winchel8.

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