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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/195

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15th Nov. 1369 - 1 . On 14th Aug., six clays after the death of bishop Percy, the license issued to elect his successor-'-. 1370 Henby ])i. Sim \< 1 1:. 11; Spencer, or Despensi . I Edw. III. canon of Salisbury, was appointed by papal bull dated 3rd April 1370, and was consecrated at Rome <m the 20th of the same month 33 . He received the spirituali- ties from the archbishop 1 2th July, ami his temporali- ties from the King [4th Aug. 34 ; they \\ >r< d into the King's hands in 1383 95 , but restored 24th Oct. 1385-. He died 23rd Aug. 1406", and was buried

in Norwich cathedral. The date of the conge" d'elire vice the last named bishop is 3rd Sept. 1406 Js . 1407 Alexandeb Totington, prior of Norwich, was elected >Hen.I\. I ^] l Sept. 1406; the Iviiiir not approving of his pre- ferment he was not consecrated, but pope Gregory having issued his bull of provision in his favour 19th Jan. 1 406-7 - 9 , the King was induced to sanction the ap- pointment, and he was consecrated at Gloucester 2 jrd Oct. 30 , on which day he had the temporalities restored to him". He made his profession of obedience 1st Nov. following*-. He died at the end of April 1413, and was buried in the cathedral of Norwich; his will, dated 20th April 141 2, was proved 4th May 1413". The license to electa bishop on the death of Alex- ander Totington is dated 3rd May 1413 34 .

��21 Reg. Wittles. f. 105. tualitatis commissa magi:,tris

22 Pat. 43 Edw. III. p. 1. m.26. Johanni Derlyngton archidia-

23 Reg. ipsius. cono Norwic. etWillielmo Milton

24 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 6. archidiacono Buckingham. Reg.

25 Pat. 9 Rie. II. p. 1. m. 27. Arundel.

- 6 Ibid. 2s Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 7.

27 Vacatio episcopatus Norwic. 29 Reg. Arund. f. 39.

quae incepit per mortem bona? 30 Reg. ipsius.

memoriae Henrici le Despenser 31 Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. 1. m. 30.

die Lune in vigilia sancti Bar- 32 Reg. Arundel,

tholomaei apostoli, videlicet 23 S 3 Reg. Arund. pars ii. f. 166.

Augusti 1406. Custodia spiri- * Pat. 1 Hen. V. p. 1. m. 37.

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