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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/225

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Richard Ling, archdeacon ofNortmch, and \ vicars-gen.

Walteb Elveden J in 1351.

Law ki \i 1 . and"l . , .

>- vicars-general in 13^2. Richard Live J

Richard Ling and"! . , .

> vicars-general in 1 i^. \\ ai.tkk ElvedenJ *"

Lawrence, and ~\ . , .

S- vicars-general m 1 1'.n. \\ ami b ElvedenJ 0D3

Nicholas Hoo, and ~1 vicars-general in

John Carleton, official-principal J 1359.

Roger Y01 hg, official, and vicar-general, in 1370.

Nicholas Hoo and "Ivicars-gen.

John Derlington,LL.D., principal-official f in 1 376.

John Derli ngton, a

Jon \ Clervads, I tec. Bac, and > vicars-general in 1383.

Stephen Holt j

William Charleton, LL.D., vicar-general in 1396.

Nicholas Stoket, official-principal in 1397.

John, bishop of Smyrna, \ vicars-

John Dkh]a~sc.ios, archdeacon of Norwich, and >- general

William Caklkton, LL.D. J in 1 399.

William Westacre, vicar-general in 1413-

William W est ACRE,archd.of Nor /n'c/i .u\u\~\ vicars-gen.

James Walsingham J in 1416.

William Sponxe, vicar-general. Qurere annum.

William Bernham, official-principal and vicar-general in 1420.

John Saressox, alias Wvg exhale, LL.D., vicar-ge- neral and official-principal in 1436.

William Pykexham, LL.D., principal official in 1471.

John Selot, Dec. Dr., principal official and vicar-gene- ral in 1472.

Nicholas Goldvvell, vicar-general in 1482. He was archdeacon of Sudbury in 1479, and archdeacon of Norwich in 1483.

Johx Smith, LL.D., principal official in 1491.

Thomas Shenkwyn, LL.D., principal official in 1491.

Robert Hoxywood. LL.D., vicar-general in 1499.

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