��1450 Thomas Kempe, A.M., S.T.B., archdeacon of Richmond Hen.VI. and Middlesex, had already obtained the bishopric by virtue of a bull from pope Nicholas published 21st Aug. 1448; and though the King had first written to his Holiness in favour of Kempe, he afterwards seemed disinclined to sanction the Pope's nomina- tion"'; consequently Thomas Kempe did not obtain the royal assent before 4th Feb. 1449-50, nor the temporalities until two days afterwards 76 : on the cSth of the same month he was consecrated by his uncle the archbishop of York, in the chapel of his palace, called York-place, in London". He died 28th March 1489? 8 , and was buried in a chapel built expressly for that purpose in St. Paul's cathedral 7 ". His will, dated 4th Feb. 1488-9, was proved 22nd Oct. 1489. The license to the canons to elect a bishop in the room of the deceased bears date 19th July 1489 s0 ; pursuant to which [489 Richabd Hill, B.D., dean of the King's chapel, was [en. VII. elected j 9th Aug. 1489, and received the temporalities 6th Nov. 1,1 ; on the 1 5th he was consecrated at Lam- beth 1 '- by John archbishop of Canterbury SJ . He died 20th Feb. 1495-6. His will, dated 26th April 1495, was proved 19th March 1495-6^ '
��" 4 Reg. Stafford.
75 The House of Commons petitioned the King that Edward duke of Somerset, the bishop of London, and others, should be removed from the King's pre- sence during their lives, and not permitted to come within twelve miles of the royal court.
76 Pat. 28 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 9.
77 Reg. Kemp. " In capella infra hospitium archiepiscopi juxta Charing-cross in suburbio civitatis Londinensis."
��"8 His death is also placed in- correctly on 31st March. (Obit. Paulin.) The certificate of the dean and chapter notifying his decease is dated 30th March.
" y Ex Epitaphio.
80 Pat. 4 Hen. VII. m. 4.
81 Pat. 5 Hen. VII. m. 8.
82 The license for his conse- cration " extra ecclesiam Can- tuar." is dated 20th Oct. 1489. Reg. Cantuar.
83 Reg. Hill.
84 Lib. Vox.
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