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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/280

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SIXTH STALL. Richard White, a monk of Pi terborough, by the charter

of erection, i ",41 . Robert [sham, A.M.. resigned 30th Sept. 15 William Binslet, LL.D., held this stall with the

archdeaconry of Northampton. He was buried in the

cathedral 20th < ><-t . [569. Robert Johnson, S.T.I!.. admitted < i i< ;i 1569, resigned

circa f575

Hun \ 1; n Smith, S.T.B., -1 leded aboul i .1 7 ^5

John Aungier, A.M.. was collated - s th June 1615:

\. i . 1 by the death of Smith. He was buried in Peter- borough cathedra] 17th Aug. 163 1 . Rob] 1; 1 Somni ft, A.M., was collated 84 -4th Deo. 163a :

void by the d< ath of Aungier. John Weston, M.A., nominated : 1 -t -Ian. ami in-ti-

tuted 29th Jan. 16 I 3 1

John Wtldbore, A.M. 86 , was installed 1 si Aug. 1 660.

( >b. in 1

Thomas Lany, S.T.B., was collated 19th Nov. 1662:

void by the death of Wyldbore. John Whitehall, A.M., was collated 7th Oct. 1669,

ami installed on the 1 ith of the same month : void by

the death of Lany. He died 20th Jan. 1685-6, at

Stoke-Doyle in Northamptonshire, and is there buried.

Ru sard Bli chyndon, S.T.P., was collated j jth Feb.

1685-6: void by tin' death of Whitehall. lie was

buried 30th < >> t . 1 Thomas Ham. A.M.. was collated on the icth, and

installed 16th Nov. 1697 : void by the death of

Blechyndon. Richard Cumberland, A.M.. was installed 4th Xov.

1699: void by the resignation of Ball. Ob. 1737.

84 His patent is dated 21st & His patent is dated 13th Dec. 1632. July 1660.

"" Bishop-.' Certificates.

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